III – Location

In order for a plot to be considered attractive for the construction of a self-service car wash, it should meet as many of the following evaluation criteria:

  • Location: near large clusters of such estates of single-family houses, housing estates; location at main streets, intersections, roundabouts and at facilities such as petrol stations, shopping centres, hypermarkets, diagnostic stations, etc. In addition, good visibility of the facility, easy access and the possibility of turning from both directions. Adequate plot area, so that it is possible to set up a car wash with the possibility of driving, which increases the comfort of use and income.
  • The area to develop a car wash. The number of washing positions, the number of complementary devices, the arrangement of the communication system, whether the car wash will be crossing or not, limitations resulting from the provisions of the local spatial development plan, etc. – each of these factors affects the size of the plot. The analysis of a specific property should be performed individually for each project.

Our designers (experienced in the field of designing self-service car washes) will help you choose the best solution for the property – SERVICE FREE OF CHARGE.